Nasyrova Tatyana
Experience of 9 years
Higher education
- SUSU, life safety in the technosphere
The questionnaire
Share your motto for life, life position or favorite quote?
Nothing is impossible!
Where do you work now and in what position? What is your main activity?
FSUE PSZ, head of department. Environmental protection
Tell us in 3 theses about your professional path?
in 2011, I studied in absentia and in parallel got a job as a filler of compounds at the factory
in 2014, she received a diploma and moved to the labor protection department
- in 2019, she became the head of the group for the development of safety culture at the enterprise, and in 2020, the head of the environmental protection department
Tell us about your brightest successes/achievements?
- victory in 2018 at the Worldskills hi-tech Championship in the competence of occupational safety
Tell us why it's cool to work at Rosatom?
Rosatom provides a million opportunities for development in completely different directions.
Share what it gives you to participate in the Association of Women in the Nuclear Industry?
ZHAO is a project that has united the women of Rosatom. This is a platform where you can find like-minded people, launch a project and find like-minded people, learn about events taking place in the industry, exchange best practices and consult on absolutely any topic.Starting from "what to cook for dinner? " Ending with a professional theme.
What kind of parting words would you give to the younger generation who are just planning to enter the industry?
Don't be afraid to ask if something is unclear. It's not a shame not to know! It's a shame not to want to know.
Don't be afraid to take on something new and seemingly completely incomprehensible.
Read. Read a lot. And regulatory documentation required for work, and fiction.
- Well, look for opportunities. They are everywhere. You just need to look closely!